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PEAK Grantmaking


Truly, we go further together. PEAK is deepening sector partnerships, collaborating with like-minded philanthropy-supporting organizations, networks, and funders to accelerate and advance learning across the sector.

Partnerships are a critical component of our strategic framework and our goal is not to have more partners, but deeper relationships with those who match our commitment to moving the needle on equity and innovation. Through these collaborations, we are enriching programming, refining perspectives, and creating new tools and resources. Each time we chose to work alongside trusted partners, we collectively advanced our advocacy, reach, and influence.

Elyse Gordon EPIP 2022

EPIP and PEAK have been mutually supporting one another for years, as we both strive to deepen our commitments to racial equity across the philanthropic sector. In 2021, we collaborated on a career series which highlighted the best of both our networks: a robust emphasis on inclusive leadership and professional development from EPIP, and a focused narrative around impact and career journeys for grants professionals from PEAK.

Elyse Gordon, Director of Programs
Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy
Marcus Walton

The GEO and PEAK communities are enthusiastic partners through a shared commitment to leveraging philanthropic power to promote social progress. We appreciate that no individual person or single entity can effect social change alone. By learning alongside peers with an eye toward change management and equitable practices, it is possible to cocreate effective approaches for community thriving.

Marcus Walton, President and CEO
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations

PEAK has been a great partner to Philanthropy Northwest by bringing its cutting-edge expertise and research to our 2021 annual conference. We are so grateful to Satonya for moderating a plenary session and facilitating a fantastic workshop on demographic data. I can’t wait to deepen our partnership in 2022!

JulieAnne Behar, Senior Manager, Programs
Philanthropy Northwest
Jara Dean Coffey

Our relationship with PEAK started in 2020 when they reached out to us to explore how both they and their members might be introduced to the Equitable Evaluation Framework™. In 2022, PEAK became an EEF Practice Partner, reflecting their deepening commitment to creating the conditions for change and helping a more equitable, loving philanthropic field to emerge.

Jara Dean-Coffey, Founder and Director
Equitable Evaluation Initiative

Strategic Partners

Center for Effective Philanthropy
CHANGE Philanthropy
Council on Foundations
D5 Compass
Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy
Equitable Evaluation Initiative
Exponent Philanthropy
Fresh Power
Funders Together to End Homelessness

Grant Advisor
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
Native Americans in Philanthropy
Native Ways Federation
Open Road Alliance
Philanthropy Northwest

Radical Spark Consulting
Southern California Grantmakers
Susan Hairston Consulting
Tech Impact
Technology Association of Grantmakers
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
United Philanthropy Forum
Viewpoint Consulting