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PEAK Grantmaking

Exploring Power and Influence in Grants Management

This pre-recorded session is made available as a special preview of the PEAK Grantmaking Journal Spring 2021 Issue, coming out in June. We pulled together a panel of folks who have come to and through grants management with a variety of backgrounds, paths, and destinations in their careers.

In celebration of our 25th Anniversary, moderator Rebecca Van Sickle (our Anniversary Committee co-chair) led a conversation that asked our panelists to explore the influence and power of grants managers, and how this has changed over time. They delved into questions around internal power dynamics, influence over practice change, building coalitions for change, and leading from wherever you sit inside an organization. Everyone was able to share your stories of how their influence or power has grown through the years and how PEAK Grantmaking, our network, and our resources have supported their growth.