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PEAK Grantmaking

Leveraging Your Grants Management System to Drive Data-Informed Change (GivingData)

Grants management systems (GMS) have evolved from tools that simply manage, store, and report on grantmaking data to platforms that grant management professionals can tap into to analyze processes and shed light on bottlenecks, knowledge gaps, capacity issues, and more.

In this webinar, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation shared how they used GivingData’s Workflows to review the grantmaking and grant application cycles for different types of grants. Participants learned about the assumptions, methodology, and process they used to conduct their research; how they presented their findings to make them easier to understand and reduce pushback; and, best of all, how they turned critical results into recommendations and actions for continuous improvement.

This event is sponsored and presented by GivingData.


Roberto Cremonini
Senior Vice President of Client Innovation and Impact

Allison Gister
Director, Grants and Knowledge Management
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation

Richelle Pittella
Manager, Grants Training and Process
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation